Latest Information

February 2009


Take Note currently Pensioners are receiving the OBSM document

This Document is an informative document no action needs to be taken.

However it is recommended that you save it for future reference.

March 2010

Declaration of Pensioner Income 2009

Please be informed , commencing from the first of march this year Pensioners will be receiving Form from Inps asking the you to declare your income, what you will be required to do is the following:

• Seek from Centrelink ; the Annual payments received ( January to December of Each Year)

• Your Annual bank Interest received

• Rental Income

• Super payments

• Identification Document

If the Pensioner is not able to attend , the attendee must have the Pensioner permission to act on their behalf : Power of Attorney would suffice.

Article 10

INPS will be sending all Pensioners the annual payment statement that is called Article 10

Centrelink requires that all recipients furbish a copy of the document to your nearest Centrelink Office , further we recommend that a copy should be Given to our Office as part of our record keeping.

As usual our Office is opened Monday to Friday 9 am to 4.30 pm

Our contact numbers: 03 90784189 = 03 93809228


Office Address is 988 Lygon Street North Carlton Vic